America’s Fastest and Slowest States for Internet Connection

If you live in the Midwest, chances are your internet isn’t as fast as it could be. That’s because the fastest internet speeds in the United States are largely concentrated on the East and West Coasts. The slowest states tend to be clustered in the Midwest and Southwest, while the Southeast tends to fall somewhere in between these two extremes in terms of average connection speed.
The five fastest states
- South Dakota – 66.02 Mbps download speed
- Delaware – 63.07 Mbps download speed 3. New Hampshire – 57.90 Mbps download speed 4. Idaho – 54.97Mbps download speed 5 2Vermont-53MBps download speeds)
America has a lot of slow states when it comes to internet connection speeds, though. The five slowest states include: 46. Wyoming (48.81 Mbps download speed) 47 1Wyoming 47.00 43 3Alaska 42 Montana 36 4Rhode Island 34 1Montana (30.14Mbps).
1Montana only gets 30 Mbps? that is almost double that of Rhode Island! That’s crazy!
The five slowest states
Virginia has some of the slowiest internet speeds in the country. Though the average state speed is about 3.7 mbps, Virginians are lucky to get half that at 1.9 mbps. And unfortunately, many Virginians have lower than even that sluggish 1.9 mbps speed with some rural counties barely having any service at all.
Why is my state so slow?
So, you want to be a codebreaker. It won’t be easy—the work is tedious and frustrating. You will struggle for recognition and competence. You’ll break into bureaus and you’ll figure out how to jam every kind of transmission from wire to wireless, beam to wave-length in order to get the information you need. And then it becomes hard to know when it all goes right and when it all goes wrong.
How can we improve speeds across the US?
Long before the internet and computers, women across Europe were using pencils and paper to undermine Nazi forces during World War II. They were listening to German radio broadcasts, breaking their coded messages, and passing that information on to the Allied forces — all without much recognition. It wasn’t until recently that these codebreakers have been given credit for their crucial role in helping win the war. In his new book The Women Who Hacked Hitler’s Codes, historian Jason Fagone explores the untold story of these women and the mathematicians who recognized their talents and helped them use it against the Nazis.