Not Everyone is Cut Out to Be a Developer – Here are 10 Signs That Might Mean You’re Not

Are you thinking about becoming a developer? If so, that’s great! But it’s important to make sure that you have the skills and work ethic necessary to succeed in the profession before you go too far down the path of trying to do it. Here are 10 signs that might mean you’re not cut out to be a developer – so you can figure out whether to pursue your dreams or find another career path altogether.
1) The Job Title Isn’t What You Expected
If you thought being a developer was all about coding and nothing else, you may be in for a rude awakening. The job title developer is actually a pretty broad term that can encompass a lot of different roles and responsibilities. Sure, coding is a big part of the job, but there’s also a lot of other stuff that goes into it, like problem solving, collaboration, and communication. If you’re not prepared to wear many hats, then this job might not be for you. But wait! There are plenty of people who work as developers who don’t code at all. They design websites, analyze user behavior on sites, or run teams. Think about what you want to do before taking the plunge and applying for a position as a developer if you’re worried it won’t fit your needs.
2) The Job Is Hard
Like any job, there will be challenges and difficult days. But, as a developer, you will likely face unique challenges that can be taxing both mentally and emotionally. If you’re not up for the challenge, it’s probably not the right job for you. Here are signs that you might not be cut out for a developer job
1) You can’t take criticism: Your co-workers and managers aren’t your enemies. They’re just trying to help make your job easier. When they criticize you, they’re trying to point out your flaws so that you can fix them or prevent them from happening again in the future.
2) You don’t enjoy puzzles: It takes more than just following directions step by step to create something beautiful with code. Designing something new takes creativity and innovation, which means occasionally coming up with a solution on your own when faced with an obstacle. If this doesn’t sound like fun to you, then coding may not be for you either.
3) The People Around You Are Difficult to Work With
If the people you work with on a daily basis are difficult to get along with, it might not be the right career for you. As a developer, you’ll be working with other developers, designers, and project managers on a regular basis. If you can’t stand the people you work with, it’s going to make your job that much harder.
4) Your Colleagues Don’t Want Your Help
If you’ve ever been told by your colleagues that they don’t want your help, it might be a sign that you’re not cut out for a developer job. It could be because you’re not coding fast enough, or maybe your code isn’t up to par. Either way, if your colleagues don’t want your help, it’s probably best to find a new line of work.
5) Development Risks Scare the Crap Out of You
If the thought of coding risks making your palms sweat and your heart race, you might not be cut out for a developer job. Yes, coding can be challenging at times, but if the mere thought of it makes you feel nauseous, it’s probably not the right career for you.
6) The Job Doesn’t Fulfill Your Passion Anymore
When you first started your job as a developer, you were passionate about it. But now, it feels like just another job. You’re no longer excited to go to work in the morning, and you find yourself counting down the hours until the end of the day. If this sounds like you, it might be time to consider a career change.
7) All the Exciting Projects Have Been Tackled by Other People
Do you find yourself constantly doing the same things day in and day out? Feeling like all the exciting projects have been tackled by other people? If you’re stuck in a rut, it might be time to consider a new career. Check out this list of careers with great growth potential or this one that’s recession-proof. It’s possible that you may not be cut out for a developer job after all!
8) No One Takes the Time to Explain What’s Going On
If you can’t find anyone who will take the time to explain what’s going on, or if you feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up, it might not be the right field for you. It’s important to be able to ask questions and get clarification when needed; if that’s not your strong suit, you might want to consider a different career.
9) Open-Ended Questions Go Unanswered in Meetings
We’ve all been there – sitting in a meeting, surrounded by our colleagues, when the facilitator asks if there are any questions. And we freeze. We have questions, but we don’t want to ask them. Or we don’t think they’re important enough. Maybe we’re just shy. Whatever the reason, not asking questions can be a real problem when you’re trying to learn and grow in your career as a developer.
10) New Technologies Make You Nervous
The tech industry is always changing – new languages, new frameworks, new tools. And with each new wave of technology, there comes a learning curve. If you’re not the type of person who enjoys learning new things or who gets anxious about change, then a career in development might not be for you.