Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
Many people out there have a nagging feeling that they are not good enough, despite having enough records of past success, and they just cannot seem to conquer those thoughts. This voice in their head creates peerless feelings of doubt and unworthiness that even affect their performance in simple daily activities.
If you are stuck in this cycle of negative thoughts, you may be dealing with imposter syndrome. However, do not forget that you are not alone, and there is always a way out. It is best to consult a therapist in Stillwater to be more aware of this phenomenon and navigate through it.
Below are a few tips to help you overcome imposter syndrome.
Distinguish yourself from this voice.
Your first step to overcoming this phenomenon is to understand that the voice in your head is a set of feelings arising for whatever reasons they may be, but they do not define you. Observe the feelings and try assessing where they are coming from. As you do so, keep in mind that not every thought and not every emotion is true.
Share your feelings
We often face such thoughts, thinking we are the only ones having them, but it is invalid. Remember that many high achievers like you have succeeded dramatically in real life despite dealing with these thoughts. Take back your power from these thoughts and look up to the facts that your past success speaks of. Share your feelings with your close ones, asking for support.
Track and celebrate your success
People with imposter syndrome tend to overlook their success, calling it mere luck, while that is rarely true. This could be replaced by keeping a record of these instances. Sometimes it could be a simple message complimenting your efforts at work. Keep a note of it. A good way would be to create a file with screenshots of such incidents. Every time you catch yourself being too hard on your performances, pause and look back at these snapshots. Make it a habit to reward yourself for these wins.
Letting go of perfectionism
Perfectionism makes us set such standards that could sometimes be more than idealistic. This could be one of the significant reasons you feel like an imposter. While it is not necessary to ultimately lower your performance standards to overcome imposter syndrome, it is essential to remember that you are allowed to make mistakes and fail.
Be compassionate
Next time try to notice such feelings when they surface and see how you respond to them. To be precise, see if you respond or react to them. An imposter feeling arises when the harsh voice in us gets too strong. Overcoming imposter syndrome involves replacing this harsh voice with a compassionate inner voice.