Get a Leg Up on the Competition: Your iPhone 8 Cheat Sheet

The brand new iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X are now available to pre-order at Apple stores around the world. While these three phones might look similar on the outside, they’re each uniquely different underneath the surface – and that can have some serious implications for your business strategy in 2017. We’ve put together an info graphic cheat sheet to help you understand what makes each of these phones unique so you can get ahead of the competition! And if you’re planning on getting one of these phones yourself, make sure to check out our quick buying guide first!
Which model should I buy?
There are currently three models of the iPhone 8 available: the 64GB model, the 128GB model, and the 256GB model. If you’re looking for the best bang for your buck, go with the 64GB model. It has enough storage for most people and is the cheapest option. If you think you’ll need more storage, go with either the 128GB or 256GB model. And if you really want to splurge, get the 512GB model. The prices may seem high but Apple products hold their value very well. Plus, you’ll be happy knowing that no one else will have an iPhone quite like yours!
How is it different from the last one?
The new iPhone 13 is said to have some pretty significant changes from the last model. A few of the main ones include an upgraded processor, better cameras, and improved battery life. Plus, there are rumors that Apple will finally be adding support for 5G networks. Here’s everything you need to know about the new phone so you can make an informed decision when it comes time to upgrade.
What’s with all those other bells and whistles?
The new iPhone 8 comes with a lot of features that may be confusing at first. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you make sense of it all. Read on for an overview of what makes this phone different from its predecessors and some tips for getting started with your new device. For instance, if you’ve never been through an iOS update before or are upgrading from a previous version of the operating system, Apple has set up things in such a way as to not leave users without their devices should they need help with something (in addition to 24/7 support via chat). If updating doesn’t go smoothly — meaning your phone is too old and won’t let you download the newest software — Apple will give you a credit towards a newer model. All you have to do is contact them through iTunes or by phone within 14 days after updating.
Should I buy one or wait until next year?
If you’re thinking about buying an iPhone 8, you may be wondering if you should wait until next year’s model comes out. Here’s a cheat sheet to help you make your decision. – The phone will last two years without an upgrade, so unless you want the newest features or models don’t buy it now. – Apple is rumored to release three new iPhones this fall. One of these is likely to be iPhone 11. – The price for iPhone 11 is expected to start at $700-800 for the 64GB version and go up from there depending on how much storage space you need. – If you are upgrading from an older phone or don’t mind waiting until next year for newer features and models, this is a good time to buy!